About Us


Hello Everyone,

As Goans based in Mumbai we usually travelled alot to Goa and the neighbouring cities. At some of the places we stayed, it was difficult to find the mass schedule of the nearest parish.

I just thought that organizing a website would be really nice, to help our catholic bretheren find a church nearby and the Mass schedule, and that gave birth to my first site www.Churchtimings.com

This is a work in progress site and really I could do with all the help I can get to keep the site active and updated. By help I mean, if you are a local parishioner or you have information on updated service schedule, feast days, a bit of history of the church etc. Feel free to drop a line to info@churchtimings.com,

You could also upload Notices for Feasts or other special ocassions in the church via the “Tell us More” menu on our site or simply Click a picture of the Church Schedule and send to info@churchtimings.com.

The aim is to keep the site updated at all times. Having an outdated or un-updated site would really be of no help so please keep those info emails pouring in.

I’ve now integrated the social share button to share pages of a particular church on Facebook. To do this, simply navigate to the parish page you want to share and Hit the Social button of your choice, (Located at the footer of the page) to share it with your friends. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook though.

Back to getting the remaining Church Pages updated………………………….Whilst you navigate safely to that Church nearby.

God Bless
Rashmi Lobo